The effects of restrictions on shipping in the Red Sea and Panama Canal are being felt around the world. Global trade is under immense strain amid rising freight costs.
Building something incredibly specialized like a computer chip fab or a nuclear plant (due to extremely hand-made nature and safety requirements) might take a decade, but for something as well understood and much more approachable as cars, 5 years for building a hangar and getting the required equipment is quite reasonable. One could even look at Tesla for how it does work.
Cars and computers are not the only things that need to be manufactured. I’m not sure why you seem to think this is just about one or two products and not every piece of technology that surrounds you right now.
Building something incredibly specialized like a computer chip fab or a nuclear plant (due to extremely hand-made nature and safety requirements) might take a decade, but for something as well understood and much more approachable as cars, 5 years for building a hangar and getting the required equipment is quite reasonable. One could even look at Tesla for how it does work.
Cars and computers are not the only things that need to be manufactured. I’m not sure why you seem to think this is just about one or two products and not every piece of technology that surrounds you right now.
It’s much more approachable to talk about specific items, and to some degree we can extend this to everything, with more and more details