should i be worried installing these two? what does it mean though?

(these are captured from Pop! OS software manager)

    2 months ago

    Thank you so much for this detailed explanation! It’s very clear and you’re so good expressing yourself! And don’t worry for your post accidentally being posted half-way, it happened to me too, in fact there’s a deleted comment in this thread, for your same reason 😂

    Anyway, I definitely must try this tablet. I am skeptical as you were, but I must give it a shot since you’ve had such a nice and productive experience. I might find out a store where I can try it or, alternatively, I might ask a friend of mine, who likes to draw, because she maybe has a tablet like this (that you connect to the computer).

    Thank you again for your suggestions!

    In order to avoid to spam too much here, may I contact you privately?