may his fight against Alzheimer’s stay strong as well

    6 months ago

    God the fucking privilege on display in these anti-Biden posts.

    “I shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils, I should get to vote for a candidate that 100% aligns with my desires. Who gives a shit about what will happen to the people around me and the people I’m virtue signaling about, all that matters is the feeling of clean-hands I’ll have as my trans homies are marched off to the death camps or the Palestinians are eradicated. For I, the enlightened leftist, didn’t vote for Biden.”

    For every reason you have to dislike Biden, you have an even larger reason to fear Trump. Want to support LGBTQ folks? Surely Trump will be better for them right? Want to support women’s rights? Surely the guy who put three anti-abortion judges on the court will give us abortion back, right? Want to support Palestine? Surely Trump will put BB in his place and stop the genocide, right? Are you really willing to risk that for those groups just so you can feel superior? Just so you can hope to get a shit party to the 5% threshold and have them still fall on their face the next election?

    If you feel comfortable enough voting third party or not voting it’s because you have the privilege to be mildly inconvenienced for 4 years and be ok, unlike the groups you claim to be supporting with your protest vote.