This is a rant about how so many apps on many different platforms (TVs, mobile devices, computers, etc…) have decided to not actually show detailed errors any more. Instead, we get something along the lines of:
Oops, somehting went wrong. Please try again later
… and then, well, we get to figure out what just happened and what in the world we need to do about it. And good luck with that, since you have no idea what just failed.
Why software developers?!? Why have you forsaken us?
Please apply to Crowd Control Productions. You’ll never find a better mystery than current live code that has spaghetti that traces back to 2002 or 2001. The game went live in 2003. There’s one, kinda, server. Technically there are three, but most EvE players only have access to Tranquility, most don’t have access to Singularity, and apparently they have renamed the dev server from Multiplicity to Serinity. Some of us still have access to Serinity because we were able to play test Multiplicity, back in the day.