What are the best public domain books that you’ve read? My currently downloaded books include “The Time Machine”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Frankenstein”, “War and Peace”, “On Liberty”, “Metamorphosis” (all from Librivox), etc. I especially like “Crime and Punishment” and “Brothers Karamazov” and others by Dostoevsky since they delve deeper into human psychology, values, and morality. Also to add, Librivox is so fucking cool and now I have something to listen to on my daily bus rides.
My fiancée absolutely loves the Count of Monte Cristo. I have not yet read it.
I like Lovecraft’s stories.
I recently finished The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It’s a good start if you want to get into Agatha Christie novels.
Not a book suggestion, but I cannot recommend Standard Ebooks highly enough as a source of public domain ebooks. Professionally typeset, with consistent standards, all while being free and volunteer-driven!
Thank you for the link. I didn’t know about Standard Ebooks: looks like a very broad range of material!
Saving this for later. I love project Gutenberg, but the quality is kinda all over the place.
Frankenstein really is a fantastic read. Anything by Ray Bradbury, I read the short story “The Pedestrian” in school and it had a strong impression on me.
The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Most people are aware of her children’s books like A Little Princess and The Secret Garden, but she wrote dozens of other books and short stories for adults. The Shuttle is probably one of my absolute favorite books, and I re-read at least once a year.
Frankenstein, Count of Monte Cristo, HPL
Ive had a good time with anything by Mark Twain. His satire and comedy is great. https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/53 Try not to get the amazon re-releases. They removed a lot of the language of the time, which (in my opinion) changes the books meaning slightly.
Dostoevsky is amazing. I’m not sure I could have followed his writing over audiobook, though. Tolstoy is an obvious add if you like Russian lit.
I haven’t read any of it in a while, but I loved anything by Jules Verne when I was a kid. Frankenstein is arguably one of the first science fiction books, but Verne really made it a genre.
Not to be too much of a “the book is better than the movie”-person, but Les Miserables is really good and has a lot deeper meaning than the play or movie based on the play. The Count of Monte Cristo is also worth a read.
“Starting forth” the best book to learn about forth or programming in general
Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper.
+2 more not in public domain yet. :(