And you’re the biggest anti-communist “leftist” around.
NOoo TAnKiES AREN’t CoMmUNISt They’RE AuthoritArIan. Every time you say that you only show your ignorance. Read an actual book, or stop talking nonsense. Stop trying to fabricate a pacifist communism, and just admit that you are anti-communist full-stop.
Ah ok, so if authoritarian communism is the only form of communism that exists then eroding human rights ever further in the pursuit of it is A-OK then?
Sorry, I don’t subscribe to that, I personally would love to see the fall of capitalism in my lifetime, but not at the sacrifice of basic human rights like freedom of speech and inviting even worse censorship.
Hmm yes, 2 century+ old books that predate the CCP coming into power by like 25 years and well before modern age concerns like the power of the internet could even be imagined
Y’all keep arguing theory with books that are incredibly dated and blog posts based on that dated info when most of us are talking about what the Chinese and Russian governments are doing today.
And you’re the biggest anti-communist “leftist” around.
NOoo TAnKiES AREN’t CoMmUNISt They’RE AuthoritArIan. Every time you say that you only show your ignorance. Read an actual book, or stop talking nonsense. Stop trying to fabricate a pacifist communism, and just admit that you are anti-communist full-stop.
Ah ok, so if authoritarian communism is the only form of communism that exists then eroding human rights ever further in the pursuit of it is A-OK then?
Sorry, I don’t subscribe to that, I personally would love to see the fall of capitalism in my lifetime, but not at the sacrifice of basic human rights like freedom of speech and inviting even worse censorship.
Hmm yes, 2 century+ old books that predate the CCP coming into power by like 25 years and well before modern age concerns like the power of the internet could even be imagined
Y’all keep arguing theory with books that are incredibly dated and blog posts based on that dated info when most of us are talking about what the Chinese and Russian governments are doing today.