• rozodru@lemmy.ca
    18 days ago

    this doesn’t make a lick of sense. I know 16 year olds who WANT to work and can’t even find jobs because of the foreign temp workers/international students. Saskatchewan wants to allow 13 year olds? why? there’s literally no point. A business that is already more than willing to take advantage of a potential employee is still going to favor some “student” from India over a 13 year old Canadian kid. you can take more advantage of the Indian kid as opposed to the 13 year old Kid.

    This is one massive nothing burger.

    • psvrh@lemmy.ca
      18 days ago

      “We clearly haven’t made the working class desperate enough yet. Let’s have immigrants and students fight over jobs to make everything even nastier!”

      I’m sure this won’t in any way result in a huge cohort of angry underemployed young people. No siree.

      I’m also starting to think that businesspeople aren’t the Galtian ubermenchen that they think they are, given that they by and large can’t plan more than six months in advance.