Fair. I didnt check any of the other myths so some may well be myths. Just interesting to me that his opinion is stated as fact when its a bit of a grey area and one could easily interpret her to be the first programmer in some ways. Its not like a computer has to exist to write a computer program, for example, you can imagine a world where all computers are destroyed in an event but a surviving programmer can still write a computer program if you just handed them a stone tablet and charcoal. The non existence of a computer is problem, and a computer program written in a textbook is also valid.
The mac osx is linux certainly is a less controversial myth.
For the record I wasn’t disagreeing with your point or criticizing it at all. Just trying to give some context that might explain what you were observing.
Fair. I didnt check any of the other myths so some may well be myths. Just interesting to me that his opinion is stated as fact when its a bit of a grey area and one could easily interpret her to be the first programmer in some ways. Its not like a computer has to exist to write a computer program, for example, you can imagine a world where all computers are destroyed in an event but a surviving programmer can still write a computer program if you just handed them a stone tablet and charcoal. The non existence of a computer is problem, and a computer program written in a textbook is also valid.
The mac osx is linux certainly is a less controversial myth.
For the record I wasn’t disagreeing with your point or criticizing it at all. Just trying to give some context that might explain what you were observing.
Yes understand completely:)