As the title says. I eventually want to run an impostor scenario/murder mystery in my World of Darkness game at some point, and would like some pointers.
As the title says. I eventually want to run an impostor scenario/murder mystery in my World of Darkness game at some point, and would like some pointers.
Nah, Mafia/Werewolf is actually a third option, and served by games that exist outside “our” roleplaying industry. Look into murder mystery party games for that.
By “mystery-shaped storytelling” I mean more stuff like Brindlewood Bay, InSpectres, Technoir… stuff where even who did it and how just isn’t decided at the start.
I know. I played Brindlewood Bay, and we felt that the endings were a little off because of the gameplay rules. That’s why I was wondering about throwing an impostor out there to see what would come of it.
@Rhaxapopouetl That doesn’t really seem compatible with “roll to see if your theory is correct at the end”…