Power company recently outsourced their payment system and now have to pay a fuckin’ fee to pay my goddamned bill. The only way to avoid that is autopay.

Further infuriating is I have to re-add my bank info to yet another third party system.

Fuck the modern world, man.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    Oh shush. We don’t want to learn how the world works or how to effectively navigate it. We just want everyone to give us free shit while not having jobs.

    Seriously, I can go on for ages about how to manipulate capitalistic systems for our own benefit. Nope. “Kill the capitalists!” OK. Then a system by another name will abuse you instead.

    While we’re at it, if you’re not a business with special banking needs, why is anyone using a filthy bank?! Credit unions are the dictionary definition of socialism.