Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
My guess is that they’re expecting some new federal anti-porn legislation and are prepping for that. Porn is already basically outlawed in much of the south, (if not explicitly, then implicitly due to how many hoops porn makers need to jump through), and republicans have made it clear that they want to bring conservative policies at the federal level so liberal states can’t overrule them.
No porn. No weed.
It’s on the list for project 2025.
They’re all there for me? (I’m in spain)
Just following in Tumblr’s footsteps. They have to sanitize it to fully monetize it.
Hmm, delicious pasteurised reddit.
The gooners are coming!
Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
Well, that’s a lie, because /r/programming still has mods. Pretty sure they did nothing in the last 10 years. I guess it’s because the sub wasn’t NSFW, I guess.
I see they’re following the Tumblr model:
- Get bought at overinflated values.
- Ban all NSFW content.
- Users leave and seek NSFW content elsewhere.
- Valuation plummets.
- “Actually, moderating NSFW is really hard you guys. We’re just going to try best efforts moderation only.”
- Sell at near total loss.
- There is still NSFW content on the platform, and the policy is used as a cudgel against LGBTQ accounts.
Did they? I just looked and my porn multi is still full of everything I expect it to be.
I know people here probably don’t want to jump back across, but people are actually wondering if this isn’t just NSFW and if it’s political…
According to a post from our Admin, in the small instance I’m in there has been a sudden influx of new users (about 200) in the last day or so (as new users have to be approved, somebody is getting cramps on their approve finger).
(Guess Anarchism and Piracy could technically count as NSFW in most workplaces, especially the latter)
They have been coming back. /drugs being one that is back. Don’t know wtf happened, but glad I’m here.
Terrible choice caving into the pseudo-moralists, but they’ve been going down a bad path for a long time. They should’ve looked at the cautionary tale of Tumblr before committing this own goal. Making sweeping changes to fit in with corporate agendas may be popular among their own class, but it also has the longer-term effect of sacrificing the user base. And they’ve been hemorrhaging for a while anyway. Where do they think their future profits will come from?
r/drugs has been banned?? That was one of my favorite place on Reddit back in the days :(I haven’t found a community for that here :(
That’s so sad. It was not a sub to sell anything but to help and comfort those who need it in this space.
Same, when I was a teenager it was Erowid for all my questions, then r/drugs in college. I also loved r/tooktoomuch, which had the best life lessons to offer.
I learned all the thing that kept me safe on there too; and the life story were interesting and also the trip reports and experiment!
This was something I couldn’t get IRL until a long time, and still, is not very active today (my friends and I are all busy we can’t really experiment !! Maybe next time we see each other)
Is erowid still good? I have it enshrined in the back of my head as the place for plant info
Erowid is still good, though I wish there was a little more info about current operations and projects outside of maintaining the experience report database. As far as I can tell, both Erowid Monthly and Erowid Extracts are dead, Ask Erowid is dead, DrugsData is not currently receiving samples, etc.
There’s reason to play some stuff close to the chest, obviously, but there used to be more activity than just the experience database, and it’s sad to see the other functions languish. But as a repository of drug information it’s still pretty great.
A newer good harm reduction/info site is, which also has a trip sit via chat service. Can’t speak to the quality of the chat service, over something like the Fireside Project which has been around for a while now, but the infosheets on tripsit are pretty good.
Edit: Ugh, going through the other Erowid sections again…beginning to think I need to step up and see if they want more volunteers. Lots of dead links where Wayback can probably help a ton, the Character vault can probably be expanded quite a bit, etc. But this all might just be the focus moving on a bit. I just wanted to see Ralph Metzer’s blog, since you hear so much about Tim Leary and Ram Dass but Metzer was right there with 'em.
Erowid is used by researchers still AFAIK. Notably on MDMA research (they teamed up with MAPS).
Here’s one using it from last year:
havent heard of ‘Erowid’ in a minute. Great memories back then, simpler times
I learned so much off ppl tweaking off taking too much, life saver for sure.
It’s still there:
“Proceed with caution”
“Looks like we are back from the ban!”
The only thing I use Reddit for is porn, and my feed isn’t empty, so either they’re doing this in stages or there’s some other criteria they’re using beyond just being NSFW.
Seems to have been a bug and they reverted the bans.
Yeah this worked out great for OnlyFans, Tumblr, and Flickr. At least OnlyFans was smart enough to remember which side their bread was buttered on.
What would be left if onlyfans got rid of porn? Wtf. I’m not paying to watch someone fix rust on their car.
I’m watching someone fix the rust on their car, sexually.
the tumblr one is so funny because yahoo promised not to screw it up and then they did
And now there’s still tons of NSFW content, they just started labeling it as NSFT (not safe for Tumblr) to get around the auto censors
Right, but they purged all the old stuff :'(
My experience is that modern NSFW on tumblr is just porn bots. You used to get really nice, high quality slutty art for whatever TV show or movie character tripped your trigger. Now they have an Ai bot that’s trained itself to flag black and white sfw sketches but not straight up literal tiddy drop videos with spam links below them.
All thanks to Apple’s censorship of their forced App Store, which is arguably the worst thing to ever happen to computing. Zero percent joking.