Do you know Fediverse bots/accounts boosting posts in other languages than English?
My personal feed is heavily English-centred, I’d like to possibly get posts in other languages and have a wider perspective
@[email protected]
German seems very common without trying to look. I wouldn’t mind some Spanish communities tho.
@[email protected] that’s right, I’m just focusing on accounts boosting because it’s a very good way to discover people you wouldn’t see otherwise, as they may boost from networks outside your reach. And since communities speaking different languages can be more separated, that’s a good way to ho imho
There’s a German Lemmy as well
And a French lemmy on Jlailu
Lol I had already joined.
[email protected] sidebar has most of the European countries communities listed
Main german Lemmy is at . They have a few communities that might interest you:
[email protected] & [email protected] for general news [email protected] for everything about technology [email protected] and [email protected] for history [email protected] for memes