There is now an Actually Infuriating community on Lemmy! Post things that are beyond just mildly infuriating. It’s only mildly infuriating that someone didn’t make this sooner!

Actually Infuriating

    2 months ago

    Not explicitly banning over a rule =/= banning for no reason.

    If I have a rule that says “no racism” and you exhibit sexism, I’m fucking banning you

    To give a more concrete example that’s actually happened, we banned somebody on our server recently who every single time he entered the conversation, ithad a massive chilling effect on the conversation. He would not directly attack people with insults, but his entire tone and cadence and language was hostile and spiked conversation. It was ruining the entire server. We repeatedly told him to cool his jets. He didn’t, so we banned him. We didn’t have a specific rule to cite, we just told him to stop being an asshole and he refused.

    None of this matters. You’ve already decided I am some horrible tyrant. So fuck off

      2 months ago

      No, I decided that your statement was something a horrible tyrant would say. There’s a difference. I’m guessing you’re actually pretty decent, but wanted to address what I felt was a horrible statement that only an insane person would utter.

      Your example is pretty vague, and I can’t say for certain that the user in question was in the wrong, but it at least sounds like you did the right thing.

      Initially it sounded like you were banhammering people without them knowing what they did wrong, but at least in this example, you warned the user first, so it seems as though you did right. If it was always like that, my apologies for misinterpreting what you said.

      Have a good one.