Just want to say, as a guy who was never confident enough to be fem, and I feel like I’m constantly wearing the wrong skin, you are an awesome parent, and you’re knocking it out of the fucking park. You rock, your kid clearly rocks, and you are, personally, doing your part to make the whole work rock just a little bit more. ❣️
Sorry for asking, but N5 is for woman. Why didn’t he go for platinum égoïste or allure homme?
A lot of people think gendering smells is a bit silly.
Cause he’s feminine.
ok that makes sense.
New user from Reddit. This exchange was such a refreshing thing to see. Lol.
This place ain’t perfect, but it’s a step up from reddit
Very wholesome!
Welcome to your new home. We hope you enjoy your stay ❤️ settle in, make some level headed comments, enjoy the vibes.
We love Star Trek and Linux here. If you don’t already love them, you will quickly learn to.
Welcome home.
Just want to say, as a guy who was never confident enough to be fem, and I feel like I’m constantly wearing the wrong skin, you are an awesome parent, and you’re knocking it out of the fucking park. You rock, your kid clearly rocks, and you are, personally, doing your part to make the whole work rock just a little bit more. ❣️