The conversations are amazing

    2 months ago

    Why would i not use the words totalitarian and authoritarian. Describe doctor without the word help. You would just substitute it with something else or more general. A tankie is literally someone who believes in authoritarian communism with the style of russia or china. As for propaganda, are you saying that russia and china themselves spread propaganda that makes them look bad? Because as someone who grew up in eastern europe ive seen what russia does with my own two eyes, specifically ive seen what an authoritarian dictatorship does, doesnt matter if its capitalist or communist. My problem is not with your economic system but the way you are enforcing it. As for a fact i believe china and russia 100% are not communist and just call themselves that. The only difference between the us and china is that in the us the business owners controll the politicians and in china the politicians controll the business owners. Still leads to the concentration of power.

    • REgon [they/them]
      2 months ago

      A doctor is someone who is learned in the knowledge of treating the sick. See, its actually easy when words have meanings.

      I asked you not to use authoritarian and totalitarian because both words are devoid of meaning, functioning only to signify something bad or nefarious.
      You have also wrongfully defined tankie even though you broke the rules.

      As for propaganda, are you saying that russia and china themselves spread propaganda that makes them look bad?

      I know I use big words, but I believe in you buddy! You will be able to understand the text, maybe ask a grownup for help.

      We so far have “authoritarian communism” and “authoritarian dictatorship”. This is really funny.

      My problem is not with your economic system but the way you are enforcing it.

      Happy to hear you also is against capitalism. I am also against how it is enforced. I must assume that is what you mean when you talk of my economic system, since that is the one within I exist.

      As for a fact i believe

      Lmao, that’s a great bit. Anyway neither Russia nor China claims to be communist, but we’ve been thru this - you are uneducated. It’s really surprising with Russia though, seeing as how they don’t even claim to be socialist or working towards communism.

      The only difference between the us and china is that in the us the business owners controll the politicians and in china the politicians controll the business owners.

      I’m happy to see you’re still able to visit Reddit, even after all the issue with the API and so on. There’s actually a lot more differences including where they’re located geographically, how you spell the names of the countries, who the president is, how people vote, how many people are in prison and for what reason, how many dogs the cops shoot, how stupid the average netizen is.

      Anyway if you want to be taken seriously figure out what a “tankie” is, define authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Bonus points if you manage to use a source that’s not Wikipedia (that’s a discussion that’s a bit too advanced for you, we’ll take that one another time)

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      2 months ago

      A tankie is literally someone who believes in authoritarian communism

      How could you achieve communism or socialism without authoritarianism? Do you believe in revolution? Is a revolution not the most authoritarian process imaginable, the forced imposition of a new reality by one class unto another?

        2 months ago

        How could you achieve communism or socialism without authoritarianism?

        Same way the Neozapatistas have done? By actually showing your system is better, and letting people join your movement. And allow them to leave, if they desire.