more adventures on rednote mostly because it’s entertaining how mad people get when i talk about it :3 /halfjoke

this was posted 12/31 btw so i don’t think “the mods haven’t gotten to it yet” is a real thing

#le is common in parallel to the anglosphere’s #wlw which i think is adorable

my number one qualm with little red book so far is there is no native translation like tiktok has. lots of google translate is necessary to get the social media to social :P

necessary disclaimer: fuck the CCP and all the real violence and repression they do. just want to give credit given where due, and so far here im just seeing a lot of assumptions with no evidence? so im gonna post what my experience is :) i welcome all to do the same

    2 months ago

    You’re familiar with these claims but do ypu understand what they mean? I don’t think ypu have a clue.

    You can compare the rights people have. China is going to be near the bottom of any logical assessment of rights as Chinese people do not have the rightsto free speech, the right to free expression, the right to determine the direction of the Chinese state who h ultimately means there is no freedom.

    Im not defending America. Im rejecting the objectively flawed claim that they are as free as other nations when they are not. You currently have greater rights in Norway than you do in China. Hopefully you can see the difference.

    Finally if ypu cannot defend capitalism here why are you defending China a nation wth a stock market and investor class? What economic theory are they pursuing when for-profit banks are investing in foreign companies and not ceding control to the workers? China is a capitalist nation wearing the skin of a socialist nation much like America currently wears the skin of a capitalist democracy.