A breast cancer surgeon had to “scrub out mid-surgery” to call a UnitedHealthcare representative because the insurance giant questioned whether the procedure she was in the middle of performing was really necessary.

Dr. Elisabeth Potter posted her story to Instagram this week, and the post has gotten more than 221,000 likes.

Still wearing her scrub cap, Dr. Potter began her video saying, “It’s 2025, and navigating insurance has somehow just gotten worse.”

  • lordkuri@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Getting an actual specialist appointment takes a long long time

    Well, thank the gods of capitalism that I only have to wait 5 months to see a specialist (for a basic intake appointment, mind you, not even one for any real treatment) for the debilitating spinal injury that is causing me severe pain and mobility issues every second of every day. I’d hate to have affordable universal health care that might make me wait to see a specialist.