• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    True, but it means that ultimately at the end of the day the Stormcloaks are the only rational choice. The Empire doesn’t give a shit about Skyrim, only about appeasing the Thalmor, the fact that they do so reluctantly isn’t good enough.

    The Empire was content to cut my head off without a trial or even knowing my charges if any existed to begin with.

    What bad do we see the Stormcloaks do exactly, a bit of racism? Running some Argonian/Dark Elf Ghettos? That’s horrible and I won’t deny that it is, but the people I see killing unjustly are the Empire, and they’re largely doing it because someone’s honoring Skyrim’s Customs (Roggvir comes to mind) or because they happened to be in the proximity of the Stormcloaks.

    Again, I hate apologizing for Ulfric, (Especially when I usually play a Khajit or a Bosmer meaning I’m a target of their bigotry) especially with how depressing, crazy, and bigoted Windhelm is (It’s the biggest downer town in the whole game), but the only people I’m seeing actually take lives in the name of supremacey, are the Thalmor, and the Empire when it acts on behalf of the Thalmor.

    Now if there were a “Yes-Man” option like New Vegas where I told the Empire to fuck off (btw, it’s the Blades, people from the Empire, that tell you to kill Party Snacks at the end of the game, while the Greybeards, people of Skyrim, who acknowledge that’s a horrible idea and will never forgive you if you even think about it), and told the Argonian Dock workers “You have nothing to lose but your chains my comrades!”

    I’d take it everytime.

    God even in my power-fantasy I’m a slave to Lesser Evilism. I hate everything.

    • scholar@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The fact both sides of the civil war can be argued for is a great thing: it means that you can choose different justifications for your character to join either side instead of there just being a ‘good’ option. You’re forced to pick the ‘best option available’ depending on what your character would think; this is an RPG after all.