Estradiol monotherapy. Started HRT 3 months ago with 2mg Estradiol oral tablets. Have a doctor appointment in a few days and wanted to ask to double my oral prescription, split up 4mg into 4 doses sublingual every day. Not sure if my Estrogen levels are too high and my doctor will deny my request.
- Pre-HRT Estrogen (TOTAL IA): 181 pg/mL
- Pre-HRT Testosterone (Total IA): 246 ng/dL
- Levels this week Estrogen Total IA: 438 pg/mL
- Levels this week Testosterone Total IA 115 ng/dL
From what I understand I feel like I’m definitely not achieving Testosterone suppression. recommends T levels around 10 ng/dL. But having E levels of 400 pg/mL is the right range for E.
Can I convince my doctor to double my dose if my E is already at >400 pg/mL?
Ah, in that case, congrats on the switch! 😅