I’m looking for a sleek ui that’ll support firefox, jellyfin, and steam. I would prefer not to use kodi.
I found this project I might try https://github.com/dudewheresmycode/TenFootGnome
Any suggestions?
I’m looking for a sleek ui that’ll support firefox, jellyfin, and steam. I would prefer not to use kodi.
I found this project I might try https://github.com/dudewheresmycode/TenFootGnome
Any suggestions?
Right, but to clarify because maybe we aren’t talking about the same thing here, the Nebulas Mars II Pro isn’t an SBC, it’s an Android device (video projector here). So it has to be rooted and install a custom ROM. Are you saying it’s available or know how to make one? Because, again, I’d be eager to try, but it’s not the same process, AFAIK, as installing Slack, LibreElec or whatever on a RPi or dekstop.