With military experience he’d know a little about fuel air explosives. Powerful fireworks are sufficient for making such a bomb, though they’re technically difficult (you need to trigger the second trigger explosion after the first has spread out the fuel enough to detonate)
I think he was expecting (in Marvin the Martian’s words) an earth shattering kaboom but didn’t do it right
Done right the amount of fuel would have done serious damage - all the energy released in the fire would have been released instantaneously, with a shock wave
All I read is the truck bed was filled with flammables. ’ Is there a believable source for
A. Whether the driver started the fire or it was sparked on accident.
B. If it was not intentional, what was the actual target?
Some surprisingly low end explosives for a decorated green beret guy with his level of access. Fireworks and petrol cans?
Duh the actual target was Terrorism.
Since that word had lost all meaning like I said it would once they stuck it to Luigi.
Terrorism lost it’s meaning in America long before Hero Luigi.
Fair. The powers that be would stick it to anything but white mass murderers.
With military experience he’d know a little about fuel air explosives. Powerful fireworks are sufficient for making such a bomb, though they’re technically difficult (you need to trigger the second trigger explosion after the first has spread out the fuel enough to detonate)
I think he was expecting (in Marvin the Martian’s words) an earth shattering kaboom but didn’t do it right
Done right the amount of fuel would have done serious damage - all the energy released in the fire would have been released instantaneously, with a shock wave
New years fireworks probably .