I’ve had this palm for a few years and it’s been fine. I water it once a month, don’t move it around too much and make sure the soil doesn’t get waterlogged.
A month or so ago I noticed it starting to droop, and the soil was still very wet despite not having recently watered it. As a precaution I removed it from the damp soil and repotted it with fresh houseplant compost mix. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have improved the plant’s health 😢
Is there anything else I can try?
They are notorious for sudden spider mite infestations - damage looks similar to your photo. Do you see any webbing or very tiny creepy crawlies?
No, thanks for that advice though! I’ve checked very closely and haven’t found anything like that. A friend has pointed out it might be root rot, so I’m going to repot it tomorrow and trip any mushy root I find.