• corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    And here, last night, I was stressing over an issue with distributing the version of an app that I knew would solve the problem caused by this other app being only a facsimile of the one it replaced, and is there for missing some important compatibility.

    But new is shiny so fuck ‘usable’.

    So I was grabbing this other app to do the thing I knew it could, but this app was first built 18 years ago, and last major update - security not feature - was 9-10 years ago. The app is feature-complete and it’s not fucking systemd so it can stop at being perfect for its primary use.

    But then its python interpreter has left it behind, like “fuck you this can’t even run”, because they fucked wit the api without thinking. And now this app is just abandonware.

    I think that’s two sides of the same coin: you have inept answers from people practicing robotic responses, and my thing was killed by eager-beaver devs who cut off features they don’t understand or value, just like a civil war surgeon treating athletes foot. Similar, my shit won’t ever run again either.

    (No I don’t know python yet. Too busy working to learn it; and also indentation disco sucks)