• teamevil@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Oh my god are you really telling me there’s a way for me to find joy or just some sort of positive feeling for doing something? I honestly struggle just to move it seems like most days and without my ADD medicine I can barely get the energy to function it seems… If there was a way to rewire that reward system so I just felt some sort of accomplishment when I did something instead of just that feeling of okay that’s done now there’s more junk to do and I hate my life in everyday… And I’ve got no reason to I’ve got a great life I think I can afford to eat I’ve got a roof over my head I’ve got a job but just I can’t…help (I’ve tried antidepressants in the past and they were not very helpful… I think ultimately an exercise routine another things are needed but for the moment I just wanted to add this aside)

    i’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas man…

    • єχтяαναgαηтєηzумє@lemm.ee
      25 days ago

      Ketamine treatment with a doctor well versed on the research is a grand idea. It’s covered by some insurance these days if many other avenues were attempted with no improvements. I’d say based on your explanation here, you’d be a great candidate for ketamine treatment. Look up the options in your area and see what the requirements are for treatment as well as what insurance they accept. I know a couple of folks who’ve had life changing experiences from the treatment, just be sure not to go full Elon with it…Actually, never go full Elon with anything!

      • teamevil@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        I mean I can still function… And really just beat myself up for having poor executive function and not getting up and starting… But you’re probably not wrong and I should perhaps look into the treatment possibly. Thanks for the information