I would like to introduce you lovely OpenSource Lovers to a GIT-Alternative called FOSSIL that I also stumbled upon because of this Blog.<br> It’s basically opensource Github-in-a-box which means it’s an SCM with:

  • Bug-tracker
  • Ticketting-system
  • Forum
  • Wiki-system
  • even a Chat-functionality
  • Has built-in GUI
  • Also has a Web-Server
  • Self-Hostable like Gitea/Forgejo

& the best part it’s all in ONE STANDALONE FILE!!! which is extremely lightweight which you can copy to your $PATH & works even in crappy internet. how cool is that!!

However this tool supports a completely different style of development in FOSS called the “Cathedral-Style” whereas GIT suports a “Bazaar-Style”<br> The person behind Fossil is the creator of SQLite, <u>Dr.Richard Hipp</u> & they even made other projects to support Fossil like a PIC-Like language called PikChr<br> Well just in case; here’s a list of difference between Git vs Fossil<br> & guess what!! they even have a hosting service called CHISEL

Listen; Just check it out & use it for fun in your spare time even with the flaws it has (& Try out Darcs & Pijul as well)

  • fluckx@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I think you’re reacting to the wrong person as I didn’t make the NIH claim, but merely explained its meaning. :)

    • ZeroOne@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      No worries man Also according to the creator of Fossil he WANTS Git to have the features that Fossil has He WANTS people to fork his creation, if the like to & Fossil uses SQLite to store data