Wow, that is very concerning overall. Of course the closer the ratio can be to 50/50 the better, but the science also shows the 80/20 rule (80% of women will choose from only the top 20% of men, given the option). It doesn’t bode well for genetic diversity, I suppose. But I’m not a scientician.
I’m being down voted?! Can someone please stop licking a window long enough to tell me why? Serves me right for trying to have any sort of logical discourse on Lemmy I suppose.
Wow, that is very concerning overall. Of course the closer the ratio can be to 50/50 the better, but the science also shows the 80/20 rule (80% of women will choose from only the top 20% of men, given the option). It doesn’t bode well for genetic diversity, I suppose. But I’m not a scientician.
I’m being down voted?! Can someone please stop licking a window long enough to tell me why? Serves me right for trying to have any sort of logical discourse on Lemmy I suppose.
You’re getting downvotes because you’re citing incel talking points.
What? Wtf is incel? Not inclusive?
That doesn’t make much sense though. Most men have children at some point, not just ~40% of them. Atleast in Europe.
Though ofc aborting female babies or importing masses of young men isn’t exactly a smart demographics policy.