Facts don’t care about your opinions. When Florida ends up underwater., when the dustbowl gets worse and people start baking, you can try to blame everything else but the fact will still remain.
The people in charge don’t care about long term solutions, they want short term profits by continuing to rape the planet. They figure they would be dead before climate change actually happens or they make money from it.
Facts don’t care about your opinions. When Florida ends up underwater., when the dustbowl gets worse and people start baking, you can try to blame everything else but the fact will still remain.
Im not giving an opinion, nor am I disputing the science . I’m facepalming that this level of stupidity is a reality.
Sorry meant to post that at the top level about the people trying to ignore the issue. That wasn’t aimed at you.
No problem at all., I appreciate the clarification. Hope you have a nice day.
The people in charge don’t care about long term solutions, they want short term profits by continuing to rape the planet. They figure they would be dead before climate change actually happens or they make money from it.