Personally it makes more sense to me to not deal with cash. Most people prefer card now and it makes you a lower target to be robbed if there’s no cash
Plus banks are a pain to get to and do deposits. Cash is risky and costly to deal with. CC charges a fee, so maybe those costs are less visible as it’s skimmed right off the top, but many retailers just pass that on,
I thought this was already covered by cash just being legal tender.
There are a few retailers these days who don’t deal with cash. It’s just as weird to me as the retailers who only deal with cash.
Personally it makes more sense to me to not deal with cash. Most people prefer card now and it makes you a lower target to be robbed if there’s no cash
Plus banks are a pain to get to and do deposits. Cash is risky and costly to deal with. CC charges a fee, so maybe those costs are less visible as it’s skimmed right off the top, but many retailers just pass that on,