I’m aware of Debian’s reputation for not having the most up-to-date software in its repository but have just noticed that Thunderbird is on its current version. Which makes me ask:
When does Debian update a package? And how does it decide when to?
I’m particularly interested in when it will make available the upcoming major release of GIMP to 3.0.
Wow. I hate that. It’s positively terrible but it explains so much. And worst of all, I am in far too deep to switch distros at this point.
Why switch distros? Go to Sid if you want the latest and greatest? Or maybe testing if you want a bit of best of both worlds? :) I’m really curious why you think you need to change distro’s.
Well, it’s not like Debian hides it in any way or form. Quite the contrary.
Depends what you’re looking for in your distro. I love that stability and lack of updates outside of security issues.
May I ask why you don’t think you can change distro? It’s just a matter of installing Linux (which takes a few minutes) and, if it’s not done already, of backing up your personal files and settings (most of them probably in your home folder, already).
The amount of changes I’ve made and things I’ve installed. If I move to another distro, it’s gonna be at least a week before I have everything back up to where I want it.
I understand. Maybe two things to consider:
I have no idea how those settings are portable between two completely different distros, but I have once reinstalled my system and got most of my settings instantly back just by copying my home folder over to that fresh install. That plus the single line ‘sudo apt list-of-all-my-apps’ I was almost completely operational in mere minutes, including all my customer menus, panels, text size, themes,… The one thing I remember not working from that backup was my SSH keys. No idea why.