My father bought some of these solar powered LED lights for scattering around the property, they’re random crap from Amazon, “HMCITY” brand…? Whatever.

Two identical units mounted to two sheds, both facing the same direction, afternoon sunlight dappled through trees. One works fine and detects people and cars from a few dozen feet away. One has to be nearly touched before it comes on. This latter one started out okay but has worsened as time goes on to the point that you have to be within a foot or so for it to go off.

I suspect the PIR sensor itself. I’m struggling to identify it’s make and model; it’s the typical round can with a square window on the top, markings “210AX” and “108”, attaches to the circuit board with three pins, and that’s basically all I know.

Everything else works, it behaves correctly if you do manage to set it off. My hypothesis is it’ll work fine if I can replace the PIR sensor. I don’t know much about these things; do they all have the same pinout, etc?

Any advice?