• Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
    28 days ago

    Way way way too early to say we need to ditch firefox.

    What we know is that Mozilla, firefox’s parent, bought an ad company with the stated goal to make privacy friendly advertisements.

    Also this week (I believe, maybe a bit earlier) Firefox announced that they are holding to manifest v2’s rules for adblocking, that they are encouraging ublock and other apps to still block ads.

    Firefox needs money to continue development though to be competitive with Chrome. Ads are the only real way to make money on the internet. There is nothing that suggests that they are adding ads to firefox, to me it sounds more like they want sites to use their privacy focused ad service to fund their development of firefox because they weren’t receiving enough donations - which makes sense.

    I’m not going to ditch my browser of 20 years over fear that something might happen. If something happens like that, then sure I’ll change to something else. Remember though, all of the alternatives are chromium based, which is mostly controlled by Google. By giving up Firefox you’re allowing Google to make their monopoly, because Firefox is the only other real browser engine out there.

    So, rather than be reactionary, I’d say let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and see where it goes.

      • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
        28 days ago

        We don’t even know if this is for Firefox yet. As far as we know this is a completely separate entity selling adspace on other websites and places completely separate from Firefox. They have said literally nothing about doing anything like adding ads to Firefox.

        Let’s cross that bridge if and when we get to it. Otherwise this is all just a slippery slope argument. Yes, they can add ads to Firefox, but they have not done that or even implied that they might do that. If they do that, we’ll deal with it then.

  • slazer2au@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    Still Firefox.

    Just remember, the Mozilla Corporation who owns the Mozilla Foundation who owns Firefox purchased the ad provider. Not Firefox themselves.