Some image I found when searching for deep pressure on duckduckgo. Never heard of the term before, buuuuuut seems interesting…
Also, from the same image, there is a hotdog
I used to do this as a child, alone…
And now I ask YOU, have you heard of this deep pressure
term before? What are your experiences? (Now u be the entertainer! I’m done with pretending!)
I have no idea what this is supposed to be but that looks super relaxing. Especially the “rolling a ball on your back” part.
Yeah, right? It does look really relaxing and comfy. I should have linked the original image, here it is
The child is always the meat… curious
EDIT: I would recommend generally searching for the term online. They got some real interesting stuff on that there.
I know another commenter mentioned stuff about autism but I have adhd and a weighted blanket, ah chefs kiss
Edit: Meant to make this a stand alone comment, no idea why it’s a reply, phone must be haunted again
Well now I GOTTA get a weighted blanket! Are there any ones you would recommend, maybe a specific type?
I’m trying voyagers image upload so let’s hope this works but mine was a gift and it’s like this sleeping bag material (dunno what to call it) like it’s not fuzzy like my other blankets
I also sleep with a light blanket on top of my weighted and a heavy blanket on top of that and they’re both fuzzy on the bottom
Usually when I wake up my weighted and heavy blanket are pushed off to the side so ig I get hot at night lol
Hopefully my word vomit makes sense at one point or another
You’re new to autism, aren’t you lol
On a more serious note, this is something I needed long before I knew why or what it was called. A couple of decades later, I do indeed know the term, and the reason why I prefer deep pressure to light touch (autism related sensory processing disorder), though I’m sure it isn’t the only reason people need/prefer it.
Either way, if you genuinely want to hear more personal experiences from people who are more likely to know about and have practice with theses techniques, post over on one of the autism communities.
I got literally diagnosed in first grade, so no, I’m not new to this.
I just never got introduced to these kinds of things. Now I too really want and need it. Didn’t do that blanket sausage thing in a loooooong while, like 10 years.
What’s the difference between deep touch and deep pressure? From online sites, I just see that deep thouch seems to be massaging?
To your last point: Posted something about somewhat similar recently, asking about peoples “comfort clothes” and me naming vests (surprise surprise) since I bought one very recently for the first time and liked working with it on a lot more than just plain tshirt at home (working as in coding, here my shid project i’m working on).
Sorry, I was just trying to relate this to autism in a silly way, no criticism or meanness intended.
What’s the difference between deep touch and deep pressure
I don’t know for sure, but personally I would say that deep touch is the opposite of soft touch (like grabbing someone’s hand vs lightly brushing against it), while deep pressure is about deliberately applying pressure deep in to the tissue (so yeah, like massaging, but also like a really heavy weighted blanket or the steamroller with a ball thing).
I must have missed your previous post, or not had the brain power to reply, good to see these conversations happening either way. 😊
I only recently managed to convince my husband to just lay on me (not full weight but nearly) with “please press my soul back into my body” and it was the most soothing.
Someone I know was working with a person who has a therapy dog. Apparently the dog is trained to understand when they become overwhelmed and just sit on them. It sounds like it has a similar mechanism to these techniques.
I have seen plenty of video thumbnails about this exact thing while searching about “deep pressure” online. I got very oversaturated
Is it normal to want some way to pressurize extremities e.g. forearms/hands and lower legs/feet?
Yup, that’s completely normal. Try some arm compressors, they’re usually sold under a “sensory” labeling.
(pretty sure it’s normal)