Here are 20 things you can replace JavaScript with CSS, using its advanced capabilities such as animations, selectors, pseudo-elements and transitions:
1. **Animated Hamburger Menu**: Use CSS `:checked` and transitions to animate the opening and closing of the menu.
2. **Tooltip**: Use `:hover` and `::after` to create and style tooltips without JS.
3. **Accordion**: By combining `input:checked` and `label` with CSS `display` and `height`, you can make a functional accordion.
4. **Dropdown Menu**: Use `:hover` or `:focus-within` to show and hide
5. **Tabs**: With `input:checked` and `display`, you can switch content in tabs.
6. **Loading animation**: Create spinners and loading bars with CSS animations.
7. **Hover animation**: Hover effects such as scale increase, color change and rotation can only be done with transitions and `:hover`.
8. **Smooth Scroll**: The `scroll-behavior: smooth` property allows smooth scrolling without JS.
8. **Modals**: Using `:target` or `:checked` to show and hide modals.
10. **Image Carousel**: Using `@keyframes`, transitions and `input:checked`, you can create image carousels.
11. **Background Transitions**: Change gradients or background images with `:hover` transitions.
12. **Text Animation**: Effects such as text typing or opacity changes can be done with `@keyframes`.
13. **Interactive Buttons**: Button click effects can be done with `:active` and `:focus`.
14. **Form Validation**: Use `:valid` and `:invalid` to create form validation based on HTML5 attributes.
15. **Slide-out Menu**: With `:checked` and `transitions`, you can create slide-out menus without JavaScript.
16. **Parallax effect**: Using `background-attachment: fixed` and `background-position`, you can create a simple parallax effect.
17. **Sort Lists**: Use the order property on the `Flexbox` or `Grid` to visually rearrange items.
18. **Like Button**: Use `:checked` and `::before` or `::after` to create a like button that changes appearance.
19. **Show/Hide Content**: Use `input[type=“checkbox”]:checked + div` to hide or show sections without the need for JS.
20. **Infinite Scroll**: Using `@keyframes` to animate items in a loop like in news sliders.
Add more cases where we can use css instead of javascript.
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