Your local bi(polar) schizo fluffernutter.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • As somebody in my mid twenties, I primarily date people in their 30s for this exact reason. I need somebody mature with their shit a little more figured out. Dating people my own age can be fun, but they don’t really have the maturity required to deal with somebody who’s gone through as much trauma and mental illness as I have.

    Case in point, my longest lasting relationship with somebody within 5 years of my age was 1 month long. My shortest lasting relationship with somebody older than me by more than that was 2 years.

  • This is me every single time somebody has been into me. To be fair though, the one time I didn’t over analyze and just went “Oh, I guess she likes me” it turned out she didn’t, she just really liked romance songs.
    So yeah, people are just gonna have to deal with having to be very forward about their intentions with me.

  • My mom does this. Can’t count how many times I’ve been looking for something only to be told by her “I didn’t touch it. I never touch your stuff. You must have lost it.” Only for 3 hours later her to find it and go “Oh right, I moved it here so it’d be easier for you to find it.”

  • Gen Z here. Your interpretation seems correct to me, but I’m also on the way older end of the generation.
    Contrary to popular belief, it’s super common for millenials to hate on gen Z for stupid stuff the same way boomers do, but this thread is not an example of it. It’s just a bunch of people saying “do what you want, don’t need to be cool” and playful teasing.

    Also, it might just be because I’m on the older end, but I haven’t even heard of anybody from my generation cringing at any of these things. Either there’s a bigger divide between older and younger than I thought, or we’re getting accidentally lumped in with gen alpha again.

  • Gen Z here.
    Do people really not have wallets now? There’s so much I can’t carry without a wallet, most importantly my ID. Am I expected to just put that loose in my pockets or bag?
    And like, sometimes I’m forced to carry cash for one reason or another. I need a space place to put that.
    I’m guessing it’s just because the majority of my generation isn’t old enough to be regularly encountering these issues. I’m 100% certain it’ll change as they age the way I was forced to.

  • For me, the changes happened really gradually, and some changes didn’t happen at all (which is normal, because it’s not the same for everyone, not even cis women.) It took around 2 years before I started noticing any changes, and around 4 before I stopped noticing any more changes. It can vary a lot though.

    It’s also worth noting even once you’ve experienced all the changes, it won’t feel the same every time. For instance, for me, it’s only a full body experience if it’s a good one. Otherwise it doesn’t feel much different in nature from a guy’s orgasm. It does definitely last longer usually though. Usually around 15 seconds, but it can go up to… well, actually, I’ve never felt the need to break out a stop watch.

    There’s some things that for me never changed though. For instance, it doesn’t take any longer to build up, and I almost never can have multiple in a row. Although I’m still responsive to stimulation, it just doesn’t go anywhere. On very rare occasions I’ve had consecutive ones, but it’s been that way since even before I transitioned.

    Also, I’ve seen a lot of claims that female orgasms are more intense than male orgasms. For me at least, that is absolutely not the case. They feel different, but intensity wise it’s exactly the same. I do react more physically, but not because it feels better, rather just because estrogen did that to me for some reason.

    I think honestly the line between “male” and “female” orgasm are a lot blurrier than people think and it’s not really a useful way to think about it. Not everyone will even experience changes to their orgasms and that’s not because there’s something wrong, it’s just because there’s so much natural variance that many women just naturally experience what is often called a “male” orgasm.

    I’ve seen a lot of trans women get really disappointed thinking something must be wrong because they haven’t achieved the fabled “female orgasm.” Just know that that’s a very idealized version of a female orgasm that not even most cis women, in my experience, meet. It’s completely normal for some things to change but not others, or even on occasion for almost nothing to change at all.

  • There shouldn’t be a distinction between quantum and non-quantum objects. That’s the mystery. Why can’t large objects exhibit quantum properties? Nobody knows, all we know is they don’t. We’ve attempted to figure it out by creating larger and larger objects that still exhibit quantum properties, but we know, at some point, it just stops exhibiting these properties and we don’t know why, but it doesn’t require an observer to collapse the wave function.
    Also, can you define physical for me? It seems we have a misunderstanding here, because I’m defining physical as having a tangible effect on reality. If it wasn’t real, it could not interact with reality. It seems you’re using a different definition.

  • A building does not actually enter a superposition when unobserved, nor does Schrodinger’s cat. The point of that metaphor was to demonstrate, through humor, the difference between quantum objects and non-quantum objects, by pointing out how ridiculous it would be to think a cat could enter a superposition like a particle. In fact, one of the great mysteries of physics right now is why only quantum objects have that property, and in order to figure that out we have to figure out what interaction “observation” actually is.
    Additionally, we can observe the effects of waves quite clearly. We can observe how they interact with things, how they interfere with each other, etc. It is only attempting to view the particle itself that causes it to collapse and become a particle and not a wave. We can view, for instance, the interference pattern of photons of light, behaving like a wave. This proves that the wave is in fact real, because we can see the effects of it. It’s only if we try to observe the paths of the individual photons that the pattern changes. We didn’t make the photons real, we could already see they were real by their effects on reality. We just collapsed the function, forcing them to take a single path.

  • I think you’re a little confused about what observed means and what it does.
    When unobserved, elementary particles behave like a wave, but they do not stop existing. A wave is still a physical thing. Additionally, observation does not require consciousness. For instance, a building, such as a house, when nobody is looking at it, does not begin to behave like a wave. It’s still a physical building. Therefore, observation is a bit of a misnomer. It really means a complex interaction we don’t understand causes particles to behave like a particle and not a wave. It just happens that human observation is one of the possible ways this interaction can take place.
    An unobserved black hole will still feed, an unobserved house is still a house.
    To be clear, I’m not insulting you or your idea like the other dude, but I wanted to clear that up.

  • On the contrary, it’s not a flaw in my argument, it is my argument. I’m saying we can’t be sure a machine could not be conscious because we don’t know that our brain is what makes us conscious. Nor do we know where the threshold is where consciousness arises. It’s perfectly possible all we need is to upload an exact copy of our brain into a machine, and it’d be conscious by default.

  • We don’t even know what consciousness is, let alone if it’s technically “real” (as in physical in any way.) It’s perfectly possible an uploaded brain would be just as conscious as a real brain because there was no physical thing making us conscious, and rather it was just a result of our ability to think at all.
    Similarly, I’ve heard people argue a machine couldn’t feel emotions because it doesn’t have the physical parts of the brain that allow that, so it could only ever simulate them. That argument has the same hole in that we don’t actually know that we need those to feel emotions, or if the final result is all that matters. If we replaced the whole “this happens, release this hormone to cause these changes in behavior and physical function” with a simple statement that said “this happened, change behavior and function,” maybe there isn’t really enough of a difference to call one simulated and the other real. Just different ways of achieving the same result.

    My point is, we treat all these things, consciousness, emotions, etc, like they’re special things that can’t be replicated, but we have no evidence to suggest this. It’s basically the scientific equivalent of mysticism, like the insistence that free will must exist even though all evidence points to the contrary.

  • It is in fact really easy to tell the difference, you just hear more about the times people make the mistake because it’s not noteworthy when somebody goes “that guy’s just staring off into space” and is right. You also likely have a bigger emotional reaction, assuming you’re a guy, to a woman mistakenly thinking a guy is staring at her and being wrong than you do the knowledge that women get stared at a lot, so it makes the first seem like it’s happening more often.
    I’ve lived on both sides (trans) and can tell you I didn’t realize it was this common to get really obviously stared at by older men. And the older they are the more likely they are to do it, which is lucky, because I’m much less afraid of a 70 year old man doing anything to me than a 20-40 year old. I find the only thing I can do in that situation is to avoid looking them directly in the eyes, because they take that as a sign to approach.

  • This seems to be the attitude of most I encounter nowadays. I think every friend I have who I’ve asked about their sexuality tend to reply “I dunno, I just like what I like.”
    It seems the labels are slowly starting to lose their use, which to me is a good thing. It means we’re getting to the point where we don’t need it to feel normal anymore because it’s just normal by default. We’re not quite there yet, but it shows we’re moving in the right direction.
    Not that people can’t use labels if it makes them more comfortable, I’m just glad more people are starting not to need them because they’re already accepted.

  • I’ve been really skeptical of that anime since reading the manga and dropping it after way too many loli rape jokes and having somebody piss themselves practically every other chapter to the point where it was clearly some kind of fetish thing.

    Is this like Usagi Drop where they just straight up removed the disgusting creepy parts? Because otherwise I’m staying a thousand feet away from that.