I’ve tried many many laptops. Don’t remember which ones, but they there the most sock common, you can probably imagine. For example, the last one is a budget acer with a Radeon discreet card or something. No NVIDIA. Installed Lubuntu on it. Absolutely standard installation. Worked for some while. Then it stopped working. Whenever I booted up the laptop, the screen went black after a second on login screen. Researching for hours and hours did not help to find a solution.
Funnily enough, I only installed Lubuntu in the first place, because I tried Debian Stable before that and that one didn’t boot at all. It did not work even once. So, I had switched to Lubuntu…
This is one representative example for how those great Linux installations always go in my cases. Again, this did not happen once or twice. This happens almost every single time I try to install Linux on any normal stock hardware, whatsoever.
The only time I had no trouble installing Linux is on my current laptop (tablet, but like a laptop) device. But do you know why? Because I reserched for hours for a device, which fits my needs and is very compatible with Linux. That’s why. I had to research tons of hours to find a device, which is actually Linux compatible.
That said, not even this device works fine. Actually, the opposite. It is dangerous to your health. Yeah, I’m not joking, I literally mean it.
One time, I started Firefox on it and the screen started flickering really hard. Couldn’t control or fix it. If my friend would’ve been there, he would’ve gotten a seizure 100%, since he has photosensitive epilepsy. Linux is literally dangerous to your health.
Windows might be annoying and all… But it doesn’t give anyone literal seizures.
Yeah, I am very familiar with Debian on servers. It works great on servers. Have experienced with all kinds of stability stages regarding Debian.
However, Desktop Debian usually does not work. Then I switch to the one, which should work the easiest, so Ubuntu or some derivative. And this usually still needs tons of troubleshooting over hours to make it work to a minimum standard…