“And what about grocery shopping?”
I’m still learning, and I still need a car for a lot of things, but this is still greatly satisfying!
“E come fai a fare la spesa in #bici”?
Sto ancora imparando e posso migliorare, comunque non posso rinunciare alla macchina, però sono belle soddisfazioni!
--- ENG --- ENG --- ENG ---
take my upvote!
Normally I manage the whole week grocery shopping with 2 (now ~12 years old) panniers + 1 Ikea bag as a rucksack, a couple of years ago I was using my kids trailer (now broken).
--- ITA --- ITA --- ITA ---
ecco il mio voto!
Normalmente faccio la spesa per tutta la settimana con 2 borse laterali (ora hanno ~12 anni) + 1 busta Ikea come zaino, un paio di anni fa usavo il rimorchio dei miei figli (ora rotto).
Didn’t know there were so many Italians in the sub :) For everyone else, OP said basically the same thing first in English, then in italian
Actually this is thanks to fediverse magic: I post from a mastodon account, but by mentioning the bikecommuting community the toot is also a Lemmy post.
Italians commenting this post are mainly my mastodon contacts who are mainly from Italy 😉. But this should allow them to know this very interesting Lemmy community
I wasn’t aware I was in lemmy: what a great community!
sorry for posting in italian here.
I have a small trailer with double stack of boxes (2× the size of a case of soda) that I use for about 90% of my good for a small restaurant. I use one for our regular home shopping about 1x per week. More than enough.