• Munrock ☭@lemmygrad.ml
    27 days ago

    I got a new one yesterday. White guy in Hong Kong says to me “no you mustn’t eat pork when you go to the Mainland, that’s how they hide the bodies.” This was from someone who takes as a point of pride that they read the NYT cover-to-cover every day, but idk where they got this gem from.

    So in case anyone’s wondering, according to this guy the “CCP” has been promoting pork as a major part of Chinese cuisine (Which Chinese cuisine you ask? All of them) because it tastes similar to human flesh. He says “you’ve got to tip your hat to them” because it’s evil genius: it lets them hide evidence of their crimes and it solves famine issues.

    The best bit, he then says to me, dead serious: “how else do you think North Korea did so well in the Olympics?”

  • commiespammer@lemmygrad.ml
    27 days ago

    Rereading Heretics of Dune, and I’m reminded why it’s my favorite of all the dune books. Even from the first third or so, from Odrade, it’s got a personal aspect that the first few books lacked (which doesn’t make them any less good of course)

  • Lemmykoopa@lemmygrad.ml
    24 days ago

    So how’s Wukong? I’d usually wait for a crack for something like this, but apparently the scene is dead dead, and no one left is able or willing to crack denuvo

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    27 days ago

    Currently reaching the part of my marathon training in which I have to do long distances. This week I will have to do a half marathon.

    When you start you’d think the physical part will be hard but you never realize that you also have to do a lot of planning. If you have to run for 2-3 hours for a single training (combined with warming up, cooling down) then you can’t do that on some random evening after work. You’ll probably do it in the weekends, but you have to keep your schedule clear for weeks otherwise you will find yourself running until 10pm on a Tuesday.

    Anyway, it is still fun and I never thought I’d enjoy running this much. I can recommend it to everyone.

      • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
        27 days ago

        If you don’t know already it might be useful to look for the source of these problems, if possible. Think about going to a physio, for example.

        I’d also recommend doing core strength exercises. Increasing your core strength will have positive results for your running. It can help you to maintain a good posture while running and it also helps to stabilize your hips and pelvic muscles. Pick a day on which you don’t run and do some of them.

        Stretching is also important. And not only before, but do post run stretches too. I watch vids of a channel called Run Better With Ash which has a lot of different stretching routine videos which I find useful.

        For me personally it was important to find the right pace. I used to play football all throughout my childhood so when I run I instonctively try to run fast even though (marathon) running is more about endurance than pace. Don’t be afraid to go slower if that’s what gets you to the finish line eventually. If you want to increase your pace, do stuff like interval training in which you switch from fast running to slow running on and off.

        If you want to have a goal like a marathon or a certain type of race, see if you can get a plan. There are paid apps like Runna, which I use, that can make a custom plan for you. There are also lots of free plans online. It really helps to have a schedule and a plan you can follow to keep progressing.

        Last I’d say don’t overdo it if you just start running. Give yourself the time to recover, even if it means postponing or skipping a run that day. Build a base level of fitness and strength first before you start doing stuff like 10+k. When I started I just ran between 5-8k a week, two times a week just to build a base level. And don’t be afraid to eat extra stuff. Running burns calories like crazy and you need more food and protein to recover decently.

        Also, don’t forget to have fun. It should be a fun activity, though a challenging kind of fun of course.

        • burlemarx@lemmygrad.ml
          26 days ago

          If you don’t know already it might be useful to look for the source of these problems, if possible. Think about going to a physio, for example.

          I spent two years with a lot of back pain (I used to run, do some BS martial arts and gym). I could barely stand for more than 30 minutes, before feeling a burning pain from the back to the leg (sciatica). I went to a neuro surgeon and he said I should undergo surgery (it was in Brazil, so every private health surgeon opinion should be taken with a grain of salt). I went to traditional physiotherapy, which was horrible, until I went to a physio clinic specialized in spine treatment. Their treatment worked wonders and after three months, I stopped feeling that acute back pain, but couldn’t run or do any more intensive activity. After this treatment, I looked for another physio specialized in Pilates and I was able to improve my muscles until I was finally able to fully recover. Today I don’t feel anything, but every now and then I still do some exercises for back muscles.

          Moral of the story, physiotherapy works wonders. Too bad that not everyone has access to it.

  • Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    27 days ago

    I love when boomers on social media don’t know what words mean, so they keep insisting that they’re “trolling you” by continuing to make themselves look stupid.

  • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
    24 days ago

    I’m taking my final exam Friday and then I’m finally done my post-grad infosec program after 2 years of work. I’m VERY broke rn tho so I won’t have much time to relax before looking for work. Thinking of getting rid of discord for the rest of the year. Hearing election shit from american radlibs 24/7 has been extremely grating.

    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      24 days ago

      You won’t know what to do with yourself when the studies are over, even with the job hunt. Well done for getting through it and good luck for Friday!

      • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
        24 days ago

        Thanks! I’m a dilettante at heart and I still need my CISSP after this so the studying will continue probably until I’m dead lol. Still, being done with grades and having some kind of official expertise to offer will be nice.

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          23 days ago

          I’m similar. Never stop studying! I’m too curious to not be looking into something all the time.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    24 days ago

    One of our party’s founders, Jo Cottenier, sadly passed away today at age 70. He saw the party grow from a niche ML student club into a serious communist party with tens of thousands of members. Rest in Power.

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    25 days ago

    Keep seeing vids about the dems in my feeds everywhere and they are supposed to be so le wholesome 100 xd but I can’t help but vomit

    • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
      24 days ago

      It’s been interesting watching the burger leftists twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain how they DO care about genocide, but it’s naive of us to ask them to even threaten to stay home during the sacred American electoral cycle.

      I hope things get nice and uncomfortable for them when Biden starts WW3 on his way out so they can finally take the mask off and admit that their own comfort is all they care about.

      Nowadays I’m just honest that I don’t give a shit about their elections anymore lol, they don’t like that.

      • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
        24 days ago

        It’s been interesting watching the burger leftists…

        Counterpoint: their support for the democratic party confirms they are not leftists at all.

        • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
          24 days ago

          Yeah lol I was being facetious, but they really do identify as leftists! I think they have the same brain worms I had when I was a lib that made me think that doing politics is the same thing as understanding procedure and reading the “news” on twitter too much (rather than like, doing actual, systemic analysis based on a ML framework + praxis).

          • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
            24 days ago

            I know you were being facetious and wasn’t meaning it to be a serious critique of your comment. It just annoys me that they think they are leftists when they are really center right.

            I was the same way too, but it’s a journey. Hopefully more people will become class conscious, but so many are close-minded.

            • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
              24 days ago

              Absolutely. It’s frustrating because I see myself in them, as recently as like 3 years ago. I don’t really put myself out there to educate since I got burnt last time and decided to stop. We can only hope their understanding on politics evolves enough for them to understand that burger democracies aren’t inert objects that are piloted by individuals, but rather systems with built-in failsafes and pressure release valves that proactively resist change. I had to struggle for years and hit rock bottom multiple times before I saw the truth: nobody is coming to save me. Or us.

              • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
                24 days ago

                I don’t really put myself out there to educate since I got burnt last time and decided to stop.

                I stopped online, but IRL, it seems worth it and I’ve made progress with people. It’s a slog. Such an unforgiving, slow process. Online, I don’t usually make serious posts or comments because it’s just a place to relieve stress and hang out with comrades. I don’t know many IRL and while the DSA is active in my area, most of them are not ML and have negative opinions of AES countries.

                I had to struggle for years and hit rock bottom multiple times before I saw the truth: nobody is coming to save me. Or us.

                True. I think there are a lot of people recognizing this, but they end up nihilistic because they feel powerless. That’s where I think there is room to make inroads exposing people to leftist theory. Not that I don’t feel helpless sometimes, but learning ML theory took me from hopeless to determined because I saw a path to change, even if it’s a long, hard road.

                • l0tusc0bra@lemmygrad.ml
                  24 days ago

                  Yes I definitely have been accused (and have seen others accused) of spreading nEgATivItY when trying to explain that we are totally out of options to fix our problems electorally. I used to kind of understand it but now idgaf about the tone policing, they need to hear that the electoral strategies that have been used in the 21st century thus far have failed to deliver the goods. It’s not just gonna work this time because they want it to.

                  I try to link relevant literature to show them a way out, but I think it’s a cowardly defense mechanism that reveals that they don’t actually understand that politics is a power struggle, not some game. I just try my best to stress that capitalism can’t survive long-term and that most people aren’t bad at heart, they’re just put in material conditions that weren’t designed for them to thrive. But there’s only so much sugar I can pour on the facts when we live in an evil empire :shrug: