Cool! Please keep us updated.
I see several droseras! They are my favorite because of the way they curl their leaves around the food!
they can be quite easily grown from seeds. you get a lot of them quite cheaply and it’s not super bad when some of them die.
still have four of them!
How difficult are carnivorous plants to take care of? I’m just now giving succulents another try because I find those hard enough.
Yours are cute, though!
I had a good run with a Venus flytrap. It had some huge mouths. Very fun to feed it by hand. I followed an online guide on how to get the soil right in the pot.
I’ve kept carnivorous plants alive in both Louisiana and Pennsylvania. Humidity is big when they’re getting established, but afterwards they’re pretty easy to maintain (except nepenthes, I’ve had no luck with those). Pitchers (sarracenea) and sundew (drosera) are pretty easy and some varieties of pitchers are cold hardy. Sundew will eat gnats and fruit flies year-round. They’ll also flower and toss tiny seeds everywhere. I had one drosera capensis become 20 in about two years. However, both need neutral soil (peat, perlite, and sand) and distilled water.
I had the most luck keeping them in a tray with about 0.5-1 inch of water. Kept them properly hydrated and kept the air around them humid enough.
I would love something that could take care of gnats. I ordered a pothos neon from California a few months back which included the little guys. I haven’t taken the time to replace the top soil on all my plants, as I am waiting for warmer weather. They’re so annoying!
Thank you for the information.
I never found them to be too much of a hassle. But it does depend a lot on your specific location, if you are in a warm humid place you got it easier than let’s say way up in the artic circle. Where you place the plant is also important. You can always built a terrarium for the smaller plants and then go from there.
I don’t have a ton of experience but I’ve kept Nepenthes pitchers before - the ones I’ve kept are pretty particular to humidity staying up and not getting dry soil. A lot of carnivorous plants also need distilled (or similar) water to stay happy.
That being said, there’s lots of carnivorous species that aren’t tropical or picky! Check out some Saracanea pitcher species if the tropical ones are too much to deal with
Beautiful pitchers!