Jfc this is how your country got here in the first place. Absolutely relentless bothsidesing. What will it take for you to give up on the idea that they’re “basically the same”? Insurrection didn’t do it, fascism isn’t doing it. What will it take??? Morons
Our country got here by one party continuing to be more and more evil and the only other party following.
You dumbasses are going to bothsides your way into something very, very serious over there. Assuming you haven’t already
Given the reality of the world we live in, Dems are the best we have right now.
Obama pulled this country out of the worst economy it’s been in since the 30’s. Brought healthcare to countless Americans (my wife would no longer be with us due to the cancer she had - Medicaid allowed her to be treated). He legalized gay marriage. Allowed gay and lesbian people to openly serve in the military. Gave the order that killed Osama bin Laden. We’ve all seen firsthand cities and towns be fixed up from the stimulus bills he passed in 2009. I could go on and on.
Hard for someone like Biden to follow that up being the next Democrat in line.
Meanwhile Trump has done everything to gut the work that Obama did, and make life worse for Americans in general. The last few weeks have felt like years in some sense with all the garbage he’s pulled. He’s bringing back another set of corporate tax cuts that are gonna fuck over a bunch of middle and lower class families.
They aren’t comparable.
At least we have a fighting chance for change under Democrats. They just need to give the old goons the boot.
Say all you want about us providing aid in conflicts worldwide, but that’s what we’ve always done. We all have it great here in terms of safety because of those decisions. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve had foreign powers attack us on our soil since the revolutionary war. Hamas is a proxy of Iran/Russia, so of course we’re gonna back Israel. Same reason we’re backing Ukraine over Russia.
Oh my fucking god, the comments in here are so bad. Nobody is saying “both sides bad”. This is not a centrist meme. This is a case of observing that Republicans are far-right fascists and Democrats are center-right conservatives.
It’s like saying one is pure diarrhea and the other tastes like brocoli. Comparing them is insane. There is only one choice.
@AbsoluteChicagoDog Don’t give your voice to the Genocidal Regimes of America. Instead use your actual voice fully. Don’t let yourself be compromized by the machine.
This “both sides are the same” lie is just as tiring as Trump’s lie about winning.
This is not a point of “both sides are the same”, it’s a point of “both are on the same side” (with said side being the political right)
You must not have looked very closely at the meme then. Nowhere does it say they’re the same.
It says Democrats are Republican Lite. The implication that they are more alike than different. It’s not true you propagandist dumbfuck.
How do you figure? They agree on 90% of issues.
Thats just not true. You are lying.
They’re both pro capitalism, pro military, pro imperialism, pro landlord, anti healthcare access, and anti union. They just differ slightly on social issues.
Yeah this is totally warranted given the recent news. I mean, one side trying to expand medicare, the other gutting it. One side trying to close Guantanamo bay, the other opening concentration camps on it. One side trying to get money out of politics, the other side destroying democracy for want of more money.
Totally helpful, totally warranted, OP. Well done. Way to go. You’re so cool and centrist.
Got some citations for those claims? Particularly given Kamala’s opposition to expanding Medicare.
yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You’re clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it’s so fun to spend time talking with people like you!
Good to know you just say shit you can’t prove, I won’t bother taking you seriously then.
lol you’re a fucking loser. eat shit troll.
You know that Kamala isn’t the only Democrat in existence right
You know that’s who they picked for president right?
And? Despite what Trump says, presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
In case you aren’t aware, the president is the most powerful politician in America. The policies they promote have the best chance of succeeding. Polical parties pick a person to represent them to run for president. Democrats picked Kamala and her polices to represent them.
presidents don’t have unilateral power, and members of the president’s party can do and say things different from the president
This is how American politics has worked for hundreds of years. Yes, the president (really the executive branch) holds a lot of power. So do the other two branches of government. One branch can’t really do anything without working with the other two, which means that compromise is a frequent theme throughout the history of American politics.
I’m honestly looking for work in the EU. If I can land a job, I’ll get established and then bring my family over.
Get in before the backlash - “bloody Americans, coming over here, taking our jobs…”
The Ratchet effect.
With this current trump slop, the democrats can shift farther right than they’ve ever been and gain tons of moderates and even conservatives who just feel sour on trump, and obviously they get the liberal moderates, because trump slop.
Republicans shift right by 10, dems shift right by 6 and seem progressive in comparison.
Billionaires continue getting richer, and we all get fucked. Eat, sleep, repeat.
vote libertarian!
If you read the project 2025 document you’ll see a section on the federal reserve, we seem to already be on the way there with Trump surprisingly. Which the document suggests capital punishment and a border wall, its not a document by the Fraser institute its a document crafted by Trump, you’re an fool if you cant see that.
Without inflation, when you require raising taxes to actually pay for things, you’ll see how much people are willing to spend for their DEI institutes and doing plays for other countries to cringe at.
Obama’s legacy:
- After winning the Nobel peace prize, he dropped an average of 30k bombs / year (80 per day) during his presidency, mostly on Muslim countries, 2, 3. In 2016 alone, dropped 26,171 bombs in the Middle East and North Africa, up 3000 from the previous year. The countries bombed include Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and Somalia.
- Began a campaign of drone assassinations in the Middle East and Africa, in which 90% of those killed were not the intended targets, but innocent civilian bystanders, including women, children, and US citizens. 1. Drone strikes are used by the military and the CIA to hunt down and kill people the Obama administration has deemed — through secretive processes, without indictment or trial — worthy of execution. He authorized 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, 2. The Obama assassination program is detailed in the drone papers.
Biden’s legacy:
The democrats are a brutal, vicious, genocidal party.
Ah yes, the hilariously idiotic progressive purity test. Biden is the most progressive president in the last 50 years and you morons call him genocide Joe.
Did Joe not send Israel almost all of the bombs and other resources it’s using to commit genocide on the Palestinian people?
Just like every US president in the last 50 years. Name a more progressive US president during the last 50 years.
I don’t care about your previous presidents. I care that Joe is responsible for a genocide on the Palestinians and that you seem to think that that’s a petty issue.
Conducting a genocide automatically removes all “progressive” credibility as it’s the worst and least progressive thing you can do.
Calling him progressive, let alone “The most progressive” is an insult to the very idea of “progress” and legitimizes genocide.
Grab a piece of paper and list the ways in which he was “progressive” and explain, on paper, how they excuse his genocide. Read it back out loud.
Also maybe stop insulting people, calling them morons, for not ignoring his genocide.
lol. Name a US president in the last 50 years that is more progressive than Biden. We’ll wait.
If you already made and read back a list of all of Bidens progressive policies and the ways they excuse his genocide in the 4 minutes it took you to respond, then that itself proves both that he wasn’t very progressive and also it doesn’t take much to get you personally on board with genocide.
Still waiting
remember when Joe Biden stepped in to stop a federal railway strike, which was asking more (basically any) time off, an end to precision scheduled railroading, and for basic safety regulations and maintenance, and then two weeks later a train derailed in Ohio from faulty brakes and bathed the area in hydrogen chloride, benzene, and phosgene, causing an ecological disaster that made the nearby area hazardous to live in?
that’s progress, baby!! 🎉🎉
Supplying a genocide is pretty terrible, not to mention the utterly insufficeint to downright harmful domestic policy and the incredibly warhawkish foreign policy. Biden did his job as a steward of the US Empire more nakedly than Obama did, though certainly less naked than Trump now.
It shouldn’t be surprising that leftists are critical of liberal imperialists.
If the most progressive president in 50 years isn’t good enough maybe you need to consider a different home country.
Nah, the US Empire impacts everywhere. A revolution is necessary, same as it always was. Genocide is evil, not progressive.
Funny given his own acceptance speech…
So, going through that website almost every time I tried to look at the source it said 404 file missing.
Also, what’s up with the color scheme? If the information is damning enough already, stop with all the theatrics.
People from the global south watching american fighting over who is less evil never gets old.
I don’t like this meme
I think this meme might spur people to be less likely to vote democrat. If the midterms still exist in a year, I want the Democrats to win them so Trump can’t keep destroying America so quickly.
Destroying America? Sounds good to me, if you want people to vote Democrat, don’t share that they will “stop” something great from happening
Fucking two months in is too close to the election to criticize Democrats…
Liberals really are a parody of themselves
What problem do you have with the evil empire being destroyed?
They’re destroying the parts that keep good people alive first and profiting off the destruction.
USAID was a part that murders and enslaves good people
It literally says that it’s important to vote…
Well I think people are bad at reading.
The Democrats aren’t resisting Trump now, why would they after winning the midterms? Both parties are on the same team and neither represent the people.
Oh great, Cowbee the Trump supporter is here. I don’t want to argue with you.
What do you mean Trump supporter? Do you think every Leftist is a secret Republican for being critical of the DNC as well as GOP?
I said I don’t want to argue with you. Quit trying to sealion me into an argument.
I opened the convo with a reasonable question, then you pivoted to slandering me as a Trump supporter with no backing, and now are accusing me of sealioning. Forgive me for calling your behavior out. Don’t respond if you don’t want to, but don’t complain when people call you out either.
If the vast majority of Americans believed the Democrats to be less evil, the Democrats would have 90% of the vote. If that were the case, the Republicans would move ever further left, perhaps even overtaking the Democrats, until they get a chance at winning again.
The reason the parties are right wing is because the voters are right wing.
That’s why we need a communist revolution where everyone will be a happy little comrade
The reason that people don’t vote Democrats is the same reason that people won’t join your revolution.
If you found enough people to support a revolution, that’d mean you have enough people to change the system by simple voting.
The reason the parties are right wing is because the voters are right wing.
You’re completely right, the working class of the imperial core is reactionary by definition, always been and always will be.
Hopefully the Empire will whither and die, and a newly revolutionary working class can arise and organize from its ashes.
I have a problem with that phrasing. The empire will not die by itself, it has to be killed.
I can’t think of any empire or state, no matter how frail, that just collapsed under its own weight.
I think it’s both. Empire weakens its foundations, then the weakest links in the chain break off, heightening contradictions at play. Empire has to be killed, but this process begins because of Imperialism itself. No matter who pulls the trigger, the US will only have itself to blame for its own downfall.
I could very well be wrong, I’m still a baby ML and am starting to read Hudson’s Super-Imperialism to see how the US empire functions in the modern day, it isn’t the same as Imperialism in Lenin’s time, but I believe Lenin to be correct still in that Imperialism begets its own demise through inciting others against it.
The death of an empire is the qualitative development after a huge sum of quantitative changes, but you still need something to trigger the qualitative change, it won’t happen by itself.
Think of Syria, the fall of Assad happened due to the collective sum of erosion of the economy, the army, the people, etc, but still it was ultimately triggered by the terrorist HTS attack. If that event didn’t happen, Assad would still be in Syria.
People need to organize to kill the empire, not pray for it to fall under its own weight.
100% agreed, I understand what you mean and why you took issue with my framing. The shift from quantitative build-up to qualitative collapse of the US Empire still requires the jump from quantitative to qualitative itself, I agree. If I didn’t, I don’t think I could still be considered a Marxist, haha. Thanks!
We will crush the evil empire from the outside
The system will never give us the tools needed to dismantle it my dude
That’s not actually how electoral politics works. The two major parties are right wing because that’s what the bourgeoisie allows the US to pick from, not because those policies are genuinely popular. Bernie, for example, had policies more supported by both republican and democrat voters than either other candidate. Policies like Medicare for All are overwhelmingly popular.
Revolution isn’t won at the ballot box because the electoral system is designed from the outset to only allow pre-approved candidates and parties. Revolution comes from organizing, hence why in areas with stronger union presence government policy is usually more pro-worker, they must capitulate.
Revolution, ie the overthrow of the state, has happened many times before throughout the world and will happen many times more as long as it remains the only actual vector for change.
If left wing policies were truly more popular, why didn’t the Democrats win? The voters didn’t get Bernie, so if you can’t get your ideal option, you instead take the worse of the two remaining ones? Even if voters were only voting for damage reduction, they’d still vote Democrat in that case.
But the Democrats didn’t win. The voters don’t want damage reduction. The voters want damage.
Multiple reasons.
Many people are dissillusioned by the non-impactful electoral system and thus don’t vote
Democrats didn’t front anything remotely resembling left policies, but instead committed to being “adult” caretakers of Imperialism instead of nakedly like the Republicans promised
Genocide became a source of alienation when it was out in the open, rather than kept hush-hush
The American Proletariat is, ultimately, reactionary, due to being beneficiaries of Imperialism
So close…
Seems OG Lemmy hardcore dems have been overrun by critically thinking individuals.
The OG lemmings are Marxist-Leninists. The surge of centrist Dems came from the Reddit exodus.