Hard pass. I don’t need a movie of the Star Trek series so bad that many fans, myself included, refuse to acknowledge it as canon.
i loved Michelle Yeoh on Discovery, loathed her character. The closer this gets to release the more I dread the results.
I’m going to hate watch this even more than I do *Strange new worlds". I do appreciate fresh takes on the Trek universe, dark or no, but this seems like generic action sci-fi that happens to tie into ST canon. I’ll be happy to be proven wring when it airs.
My plan is to go in expecting a goofy action movie, and hopefully I’ll find at least parts of it more compelling than that.
I’ve always felt that the Georgiou character is potentially interesting, and I liked her Discovery send-off. Of the “new” characters, Alok sounds interesting, and I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with Garrett.
I’m giving myself 50/50 odds of enjoying it.
It really feels like they watched Star Trek Renegades and were like “YES”.
I echo what you said elsewhere, if I get a goofy action movie (or better) then I won’t be disappointed and it will be nice to see the Discovery-era one last time.
the Discovery-era
Well, this seems poised to be set sometime after “The Undiscovered Country,” which is actually one of the more interesting aspects for me.
I would love that! Give the lost part of the Monster Maroon era (mid 2290s-2340s) some love.
The weird thing is April from SNW should canonically still be alive due to TAS:”Counter-clockwise Incident”.
The presence of a young Rachel Garrett seems to suggest it (she was likely born around 2300, so the movie could take place around 2330).
I don’t know if we’ll see any actual maroons, though - I think they’re operating outside of the Federation.
I just realized another thing about April - assuming humans live 120 years on average in the Trek universe, an elderly April could still be alive in the 2360s or 70s.
I hope we get a de-aged Shatner appearance (I don’t actually hope that… I think)
quick get Sam Witwer on the phone
What’s this, what’s this? There’s Trek alum everywhere!
A much hyped fan series from the post Enterprise/pre-Disco days where fan films were all we had to keep us going. “Renegades” had a good amount of hype around it because it had a real budget and the cast they managed to get. Unfortunately money can’t buy taste and the actual script is pretty bad.
Hey thanks, it’s all new to me. I know what I’m watching this weekend.
Please make a review 😅
I have never seen so much monotone reading of dialogue. Renegade Soval carried every scene he was in, so at least there’s that.
Thanks for opening my eyes to something new 🍻
No, I’m good thanks.
Ooh, is there a hot take here?
I havent heard much about it, sorry if I’m retreading a tired topic.
It looks atrocious. That’s really about it.
Give me some spin off like the voyages of captain sulu idk anything…
Give me star trek 4 vibes in a new movie…
I don’t want to get too excited in this time of contraction in the entertainment industry, but it’s exciting that they’re opening the door to this era.